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Simplifying Complex Healthcare Challenges With Dr Douglas Slakey

In this episode of the Physician Growth Accelerator podcast, Zed sits down with Dr. Douglas Slakey, a surgeon, healthcare innovator, and bestselling author of The Process Manifesto: Improving Healthcare in a Complex World. Together, they explore how systems thinking can transform private medical practices and the broader healthcare landscape.

Whether you’re a private practice owner or part of a larger healthcare organization, this conversation offers invaluable lessons on simplifying the complexity of modern healthcare while driving meaningful, sustainable growth.

The Process Manifesto: https://www.amazon.com/Process-Manifesto-Improving-Healthcare-Complex/dp/B0CNNXDYWH?tag=googhydr-20&source=dsa&hvcampaign=books&gclid=Cj0KCQiAx9q6BhCDARIsACwUxu6DkTKRnNX1DUZxNqsEldzdTBy6NbgOVXz2HJf1KXjiMA0J90CaeQ0aAqMAEALw_wcB

Connect with Dr. Douglas Slakey: https://www.linkedin.com/in/douglas-slakey-md/

Request a Practice Assessment Review: https://www.physiciangrowthaccelerator.com/connect

Take the Vitals Diagnostic: https://www.physiciangrowthaccelerator.com/vitals-diagnostic

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